A vibrant conference networking area filled with attendees conversing, holding drinks, and exploring materials, with banners for Whole Education and its Summer Conference 2024 visible in the background.

Annual Leadership Conference Spring 2025
Leading Beyond the School — Reconnecting School and Community

Whole Education and Schools of Tomorrow are delighted to be collaborating on this spring conference on 6th March 2025 at Mary Ward House in London. This day conference aims to explore, understand and challenge our thinking on the importance of schools as centres of community with confirmed keynote sessions from Jon Yates and Darren McGarvey.

A school remains one of the most significant civic resources remaining. They are both communities themselves and agents of influence and change, for better or worse, in their communities. The leadership required to build and exercise this wider role creatively and constructively is complex, subtle and demanding and needs leaders who understand and feel confident in that work and see it as central to their educational mission. So during this day together we will:

• Deepen our understanding of the importance of connection between school and community and of the nature of leadership which is able to successfully build social capital within and beyond the school.

• Explore practical strategies by which schools and trusts can work to strengthen the sense of community among all their stakeholders and to influence positively the wider communities they represent.

• Reflect on the strengths and potential for development within our own context, both as individuals and as schools or trusts

• Develop our thinking about the next steps we must take personally and as school or trust to support community cohesion and development

Key details

Mary Ward House, Tavistock Place,
London WC1H 9SN

10.00am — 4.00pm, Thursday 6th March 2025

There is something for everyone from headteacher to class teacher

Places to this conference are included as part of our School Membership and Headteacher Membership. Email info@wholeeducation.org to find out more about your ticket allocation. Individual Members receive discounted places to this conference. If you’re not a member of Whole Education, you might be interested in our Individual membership which costs £100 and will give you a membership price for this event of £125 — the total providing a £25 discount on a full price ticket + all the other opportunities included with network membership. Individual membership is for anyone with an interest or involvement in education who is not currently a school headteacher or Trust leader.

Meet the Speakers

  • "I found the inspirational ideas from the keynotes and the opportunity to network really useful."

    Delegate feedback from the Whole Education Summer Conference 2022

  • "The conference reached a level of nuance and granularity that I have not experienced in other conferences. The keynote speakers were masters in their field and left us with more than food for thought. They gave us actual processes and practice that we can implement, not just hyperbole."

    MAT Leader describing a Whole Education conference

  • "I absolutely loved the blend of 'big picture' ideas and 'nuts and bolts' practice"

    Delegate feedback from the Whole Education Summer Conference 2022