Early Years
Developed in partnership with National Early Years experts and in collaboration with schools and Trusts within the Whole Education network, our Early Years School Improvement programme works with cross Trust leaders, School leaders and Early Years leaders to establish self-improving systems for Early Years.
This leadership programme is delivered virtually by Whole Education in collaboration with Early Years experts as well as drawing on effective collaboration between participants who are driving Early Years forward as a key priority in the development of all children's success through education.
The programme embeds sustainable self improving systems into schools, across MATs and LAs in in a way that is manageable, motivating and ultimately improves outcomes for children in the Early Years to ensure long term success throughout their education.
Focus Areas
Throughout the project, we will use the Evaluate My School (EMS) platform to support Early Years leaders to work alongside their School Leaders to effectively self evaluate provision in their schools across key areas. The self evaluation will incorporate the EYFS principles of: A unique child, positive relationship, enabling environments and learning & development and the statutory requirements for Early Years.
The key focus areas are:
Working with families and communities
Effective use of adults
Leadership & Management
Early Years leaders then use this self evaluation to write action plans which are put into practice, guided throughout by the expert Whole Education Early Years network and an effective peer support model.
“I was able to approach inspection with far more confidence and evidence. I used my Whole Education work as the basis for my entire discussion about our Early Years provision.”
“The input we received on the effectiveness of the action plans was incredibly detailed and supportive. I can now see where to focus our agenda to support Leads going forward.”