We know that delivering a whole education at scale is a key challenge, especially for small to medium-sized trusts. Our trust membership offer provides inspiration and support to help you embed a values-led education across a family of schools.
Networking and Relationships
Having regular conversations with member trusts helps us to make sure that the network remains highly relevant and supportive. It enables us to spot trends that are emerging across trusts and to connect you to those with shared priorities or with practice that might help you to find solutions for your areas for development.
Learning Exchange Visits
These visits provide the opportunity to experience first hand how the culture, ethos and values of a trust impact policy and day to day practice in and across schools. The visits take an appreciative enquiry approach to ensure benefit for both host and visitor. There will be at least 5 visits in the year. You may choose to attend all or a selection of these.
Focused Enquiry Virtual Meetings
This aspect of the work encourages trusts to use an action learning approach to focus on a particular area of practice that is a development priority for them. We will provide expert support to help you on your journey and the opportunity to share the outcomes of your inquiry and those of others across the trust network.
Virtual Learning and Collaboration
These virtual sessions are commissioned throughout the year in response to the needs of the network. They provide the opportunity for you to engage with experts and other network members around your shared and emerging priorities.
Core Events
These flagship, in person events form a structural spine throughout the trust year: MAT Enquiry and Learning Summit (Autumn Term), Leadership Conference (Spring Term) and Summer Conference (Summer Term). They are opportunities to be inspired by experts and practitioners and to learn and think together. We would recommend that you attend all of these events.
“The Whole Ed Trust Network has been superb and worth every penny. It has changed my view of trust leadership. The best CPD I have had in a very long time, and certainly since I became a CEO.”
“To be able to collaborate with like-minded peers, with inputs from brilliant thought leaders, was unbelievable. What is really different about Whole Education, and what I love, is the absolute focus on the personal and academic, which is unique”
“Whole Education has done a really fantastic job. I’m amazed by the quality of your offer and your ability to adapt to the needs of our trust of schools.”
On January 15th 2025, Toby Greany and Eleanor from the University of Nottingham published their research report, A Constant Dance: A Study of Values-Based Leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts.
The research is based on studies of five trusts from our Trust Network:
• White Woods Primary Academy Trust.
These trusts were selected to provide insights into how values-based leadership and organisational development can support the delivery of a ‘whole education’ for students and staff.